If you answered YES to several of these questions, you may be an Interior redesigner or stager at heart just waiting to be released into your destiny. You just need the right training from an experienced source and off you go fulfilling your dream of a career in decorating. Redesigners and Stagers work from home, require little or no inventory and make an average of $75 an hour.
We are so sure that you will be impressed with the quality and content of this class that we can offer a money-back guarantee. Our student evaluations usually state things like "...the class was way beyond my expectations..." We want you to be confident when you sign-up that your investment will reap significant rewards.
People have come from virtually all parts of the U.S. to attend. Many students who were unhappy with other training classes have taken this one to benefit from the emphasis on interior design principles. Some training is tedious and technical. Do you really want 100 forms when 25 will do? Ditch the fluff and get the nitty-gritty of what works for today’s stager/redesigner.
90% of our staged homes sell in 15 days! We maintain a thriving business. We are in the trenches every day, perfecting our techniques. Some trainers are not stagers and have never been in design. If you can’t see a portfolio, how do you know what you are learning?”
The cost is less than other training opportunities, even though we offer so much more. You can retake the class free-of-charge later to brush-up on skills.
Click here to get details on certification class pricing + new short classes. All are on Sale...
Master 5-Day Class $2000
Expert 3-Day Class $1200
Online Certification $500
Transformations Staging and Redesign School | All Rights Reserved |
Created by Olive + Ash.
Managed by Olive Street Design.